Learn how to layout the pages of your book.

Justify the words in your paragraphs.
NOTE: If you are using Microsoft Word, you can go to the "Home" tab, and in the "Paragraph" section you will see alignment diagrams. Click on the one that displays every line equal in length. Sorry, but for me that is the only option.
What kind of font will you use?
Keep in mind that you may want your interior font to coordinate with the font you use on the cover. I personally wouldn't use a basic Arial font in a sci-fi thriller. Just as I wouldn't use a gothic font for a love story, unless of course it is a gothic love story. Make sure you select the appropriate font for your genre.
Here is a great site to help you make that decision:
Ingram Sparks also has recommendations regarding fonts to use:
They also have some interesting information regarding fonts on their site. Something I didn't know:
Avoid downloading free fonts. Not only might you expose your computer to viruses, it’s illegal.
What line spacing will you use? I used 1.5 line spacing in my book, but books are often written using 1.15 line spacing. Some fonts are easier to read when you use the 1.5 line spacing. Remember, it is your book so it is your decision.
NOTE: If you are using Microsoft Word, you can go to the "Home" tab, and in the "Paragraph" section you will see an "up and down arrow". Click on it to make your choice.
The above steps must be taken BEFORE you decide which size book you will create. Font and line spacing will affect your page count.
What size book do you want to create? Not sure? Where can you find out what size your book should be, based on the number of pages or words you have already written?
NOTE: If you are using Microsoft Word, you can go to the "Review" tab, and in the "Proofing" section you will find the "Word Count" category. Open your manuscript to page one and let Word do it's magic.
KDP Tools and Resources has a calculator that will help you make those decisions.
Go to: https://kdp.amazon.com/en_US/help/topic/G200735480#manuscript_paperback Did you write enough words? Do you need to cut back a bit?
Do you have enough pages? Do you have too many? You may need to tweak your writing until you get it to fit the dimensions most suited for your book.
SUMMARY: Amazon KDP has wonderful tools designed to help writers. I highly recommend you go to the following link and attend their online KDP University. The time you spend using this great tool will help you gain the knowledge you need. Cost to watch their online videos? $0.
NOTE: All of the above steps are important if you want to turn your manuscript into a book. Once you complete the above steps, you are ready to move on to the next step. Congratulations!
Thanks for the tip, Hannah! I didn't do a Table of Contents in my Memoir. However, I am doing one for My Charming Husband. It is important I believe, because I found that when I was writing my new book, I sometimes got confused as to where in the story line I added specific information and how much detail I provided. There are times when it is not only good for the reader to have a Table of Contents, but I think it has value to the writer. I can't wait to have a moment to check out the link. Thanks!
Don't forget to include a Table of Contents (TOC). I haven't read through all of the units, but the Table of Contents should be included as a place holder at the very least to the layout until you are ready to number your pages. Here's a helpful link that walks you through the various parts of a book. Please note that your book doesn't have to incorporate every single aspect listed. What is important is that what your book contains is in the proper order. https://blog.reedsy.com/parts-of-a-book/